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because inspired, empathetic language learners can change the world

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Wayside offers tools to textbooks, online courses, workbooks, comprehensible input readers, and loads of support.

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Immerse your learners in language from the start with our proficiency-based programs that focus on interculturality, communicating in the three modes, and engaging with authentic materials.

Empower the next generation of global citizens

With Wayside products, students learn languages and develop an awareness of other peoples and cultures. Beyond that, our programs help students gain confidence in assessing their own learning. Wayside and you: together, we empower students to become compassionate citizens and independent thinkers.

Wayside's programs engage learners and lead them toward proficiency.

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The EntreCulturas program is all about teaching novice through intermediate learners the Spanish language through the lens of interculturality, so they can discover appropriate ways to interact and connect with others whose perspectives may be different from their own.

EntreCulturas 1 ©2026

EntreCulturas is a four-level, standards-based, thematically organized program. Each level consists of six units that provide learners with opportunities to interact and engage with authentic materials and adolescent speakers of the language. By learning in an intercultural context, students acquire communication skills and content knowledge while exploring the products, practices, and perspectives of Spanish-speaking cultures.

EntreCulturas 2 ©2026

EntreCulturas is a four-level, standards-based, thematically organized program. Each level consists of six units that provide learners with opportunities to interact and engage with authentic materials and adolescent speakers of the language. By learning in an intercultural context, students acquire communication skills and content knowledge while exploring the products, practices, and perspectives of Spanish-speaking cultures.

EntreCulturas 3 ©2026

EntreCulturas is a four-level, standards-based, thematically organized program. Each level consists of six units that provide learners with opportunities to interact and engage with authentic materials and adolescent speakers of the language. By learning in an intercultural context, students acquire communication skills and content knowledge while exploring the products, practices, and perspectives of Spanish-speaking cultures.

EntreCulturas 4 ©2026

Level 4 increases the rigor and frequency of vocabulary and grammar exploration, engages learners with deeper levels of communicative inquiry and literature, and prepares learners for AP® or IB level study.



InterKulturell is a new comprehensive four-level, proficiency-based, thematically organized program that fosters a lifelong love for learning the German language and culture.

InterKulturell 1 ©2025

InterKulturell is a new comprehensive four-level, proficiency-based, thematically organized program that fosters a lifelong love for learning the German language and culture.

With InterKulturell 1 your learners will build the language skills, personal attitudes, and cultural insights necessary to experience life using German to connect with others. It included authentic unit-aligned resources from across the German-speaking world, such as podcasts, videos, infographics, and more. STEM-centric activities are seamlessly woven into the program as well as AP® and IB themes from the very beginning.

InterKulturell 2 ©2025

InterKulturell is a new comprehensive four-level, proficiency-based, thematically organized program that fosters a lifelong love for learning the German language and culture.
InterKulturell 2 recycles grammar, vocabulary, and culture introduced and used in Level 1 and leverages real-world communicative tasks so that learners can acquire new vocabulary and grammar in context.



Nurture an enduring passion for exploring the French language and culture, with EntreCultures, 1-4, offering students a coherent progression that encourages learners to continue their language journey beyond the classroom. Our updated four level proficiency-based program offers new content and enhancements to the engaging tools, materials, and resources to EntreCultures®.

EntreCultures 1 ©2025

In EntreCultures 1, your learners will start their journey to proficiency by developing language skills, personal reflections, and cultural insights into the products, practices, perspectives, and behaviors of French-speaking communities to experience life "entre cultures," using French to connect with others.

EntreCultures 2 ©2025

EntreCultures 2 uses the same cultural, proficiency-based approach as Level 1 to introduce new vocabulary and structures in context that take learners beyond the basics of the French language, recycling previously learned content to strengthen their communicative skills. Learners continue to engage and interact with the French-speaking world and make comparisons between francophone communities and their own.

EntreCultures 3 ©2025

In EntreCultures 3 Companion Reader Edition, we present rigorous tasks that hone learners’ skills. Your learners will have the opportunity to engage with authentic texts and literature, experience IPAs with all modes of communication, reflect on the knowledge they have learned, interact with students from different francophone countries, and more, all while encompassing elements of AP® skills.

EntreCultures 4 ©2025

EntreCultures 4 is designed to help learners build proficiency through the Intermediate Mid to Intermediate High levels by offering scaffolds for advanced themes and language. EntreCultures 4 is the last level of the EntreCultures program and equips students with the skills and knowledge to pursue advanced academic programs such as AP® or IB-level courses.



Engage your students in the discovery of the language, the people, the land, and the culture of Italy, with Chiarissimo Uno e Due. Each chapter of this two-book series introduces different regions of Italy and asks novice-low to intermediate-low students to explore aspects of culture such as values and traditions.

Chiarissimo Uno

In Chiarissimo Uno, every chapter introduces a different region of Italy—the people, the land, and the culture—and asks students to explore aspects of culture such as values and traditions.

Chiarissimo Due

With a focus on communication, Chiarissimo Due, the second book in our Italian series, further develops students’ abilities to ask and answer questions and to exchange opinions and ideas on a diversity of topics using a variety of different tenses.

The elements that enrich the
Learning Site bridges gaps between technology, pedagogy, content, and training. It is the home of FlexText®, online textbooks and readers that connect seamlessly to your Explorer® courses.
"This is my 49th year in education. EntreCulturas provides multiple spontaneous conversation opportunities for students, and teachers are able to look at something and immediately go from there with it - and perhaps even do the types of things they used to have to do on their own. EntreCulturas is the only series that I know of that provides that kind of material for kids to begin to speak with each other naturally. It's set up the way that I've always been striving to teach."

Deborah Doyle

Spanish Teacher, MFLA, Maryland

Wayside Publishing not only provides high-quality teaching materials, but they are a great company to work with. Their generosity and support in sponsoring the non-profit Manie Musicale Collaborative have been incredible. I highly recommend their personable and helpful staff.

Michelle Fournier

French teacher, Falmouth, Maine

"I was really impressed to see in the "C'est drôle, l'école" chapter the "chosir sa voi de formation" chart, the sample report card, as well as the examples of how American grades correspond roughly to French grades. I have never seen such good realia anywhere else."

Ruth Ann G.

French 4-AP Teacher, Tennessee

"Neue Blickwinkel touches on themes of interest to my teens. The vocabulary is divided into function and color is used throughout. (I am a big advocate of color in learning, as it helps the whole brain become engaged.) It's not too large a text but functions in themes that I use (and that the AP reading/listening themes often use as well). There are ample opportunities for students to research more deeply a theme that interests them and because the reading texts are interesting, to improve their reading comprehension as well as their vocabulary."

Janey Haynes

"[APprenons] has a wealth of material and ways of working with it that would appeal to high school students. Vocabulary is much more actively taught in APprenons than in the program I am using currently...and it needs to be! I love the way the grammar is presented, both the structures taught, and the way they are integrated with the theme and the task at hand. The documents included in the 2nd education would be very motivating for high school students. One example is in the technology chapter where students complete a grid charting their own use of technology in preparation for a reading. I like the use of graphs and tables throughout."

Cathy K.

AP French Teacher,

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