Learning Site®

the elements that enrich the teaching and learning experience

Our Learning Site brings classes together and personalizes the learning experience with its interactive platform that unites content, technology, and pedagogy.

Getting started is as easy as one, two, three, four!

Video Support with the Click of a Button

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The Sidebar

Take this quick Wayside Publishing Learning Site tour to learn more about key features and functionalities of the sidebar menu. Envision how you might use Learning Site in your own classroom with your students when teaching with proficiency in mind.

FlexText & Explorer Content

Take this quick Wayside Publishing Learning Site tour to learn more about key features and functionalities of the FlexText® and the Explorer Content page. Learn how to navigate LearningSite, select assignments, assign tasks, play audio and video, and give a variety of feedback quickly and easily.

Grades, Assignments, Students & Settings

Take this quick Wayside Publishing Learning Site tour to learn more about key features and functionalities of the Grades, Assignments, Students, and Settings pages. Monitor student progress, manage assignments, adjust class settings, grade, and give a variety of feedback quickly and easily.

Wayside Publishing creates tools that foster communication and understanding across cultures.

Research Based and ACTFL Aligned

Have a question? Your state Account Manager is here to help!

Are you looking for the right tools for your curriculum? Connect with an Account Manager to learn more about how Wayside can help.