Learning Site® Online Portfolio

The Portfolio allows learners to assess their own progress and demonstrate understanding. Students can track their progress via mastery of the Communicative and Intercultural Can Do statements found throughout EntreCulturas 1-4, EntreCultures 1-3, Triángulo APreciado, and Neue Blickwinkel, 2nd edition. They can upload artifacts that support their scores, such as Explorer activities and quizzes, audio files, or other evidence such as PowerPoints or Word documents.

Portfolios and accompanying documentation can be reviewed by the teacher, who can then provide oral or written feedback online about each student’s self-assessment and choices of evidence. Both teachers and students are encouraged to reflect on their learning and artifacts at appropriate times of the learning process.

Because they are attached to each student's usernames, their portfolios will follow students through the EntreCulturas and EntreCultures series, then continue through Tejidos, Triángulo Aprobado, Azulejo, and APprenons. Indeed, as long as students retain their login information, they will be able to access their Portfolio in the future to pull evidence of proficiency for higher education or workplace requirements.