Parent Resources

Welcome, parents, caregivers, and guardians! We're grateful for all the help you give to make sure your student does well. Wayside Publishing is all about helping students learn, and we're proud to work with lots of schools and millions of students all over the country with our great curricula. Our website, Learning Site®, is like a home for Explorer® classes. There, you'll find helpful things like FlexText® online textbooks, real-world resources, and student portfolios. Thanks a lot for being such an important part of your student's learning journey.

  • Getting Started

    Learning Site Technical Requirements:
    • Learning Site works on different devices, so you can use it anytime and anywhere!
    • If you're on a laptop, Chromebook, or desktop computer, use the latest version of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari. Just so you know, Apple Safari doesn't let you record videos.
    • If you have an iPhone or iPad, make sure you've got the latest updates and use our Learning Site app from the Apple App Store.
    • If you're on an Android device, make sure you've got the latest updates and use the Google Chrome mobile browser.
  • Learning More

    Learn more about Wayside’s Learning Site. Our Learning Site brings classes together and personalizes the learning experience with its interactive platform that unites content, technology, and pedagogy.

    Learn more about Nualang, a safe and user-friendly space for learners to practice language skills.
    We will guide you
  • Tips for Remote Learning

    Learning from home can be tricky, but with the right tricks, you can help your student do well:
    • Find a quiet place to study without distractions.
    • Keep to a regular schedule, and make sure your student takes breaks and stays active.
    • Use online tools like Learning Site to help with learning.
    • Stay in touch with teachers to help your student stay on track.
  • Asking for Help

    We want to make sure you can always get the help you need. There are lots of ways to get support:

    On Learning Site, you can find video tutorials, FAQs, and more. If you need more help, you can email us at: [email protected] (for Learning Site questions) or: [email protected] (for general info).

    You can also call us at (888) 302-2519, Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
    Visit Our Online Support Hub

Our Commitment to Accessibility

We believe all educators and learners should be able to access and use our textbook and digital offerings, Learning Site application, and company website. View our commitment.

Thanks again for all your help and support!

Take a tour of our Learning Site

Learning Site Tour for Parents

Wayside Publishing creates tools that foster communication and understanding across cultures.

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