Chiarissimo Uno


Chiarissimo Uno

Italian Language and Culture Program

Level 1 / Novice Low — Novice High

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In Chiarissimo Uno, every chapter introduces a different region of Italy—the people, the land, and the culture—and asks students to explore aspects of culture such as values and traditions.

"Chiarissimo is a real masterpiece! Un vero capolavoro! I am currently using Chiarissimo Uno with my Italian 1 class. The book is well organized and everything you need is at your fingertips. I love how each sito has supplementary practice to go along with it. I just love how I do not have to search through mountains of material to get what I need. Everything is just there! The book is also student-friendly. Students navigate the pages with ease. The book is colorful and up-to-date, which attracts the learner. I also love how the siti provides related links. I always check this part out for supplementary videos that will complement my lesson. The book also has an online component where students can take a quiz. This is great because I can get instant feedback on their progress. An important component of the book is that it gets students to speak right from the beginning. I see more progress happening now than I did in our old Italian book. The book also prepares students for the AP® exam. A great section is the ascolto/audio section. I can go on and on about how wonderful this book is. It really helps me to teach the language. It is the complete package!"

Joanne L.

"A most needed, fresh approach to learning Italian. The illustrations are useful, colorful, and lend themselves to further conversation. The sequencing is logical and the text builds in reinforcement from one chapter to the next."

Alfred P.

"A masterpiece. It covers every aspect of language learning with many exercises and as the name means very clear explanations."

Louis B.

Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things.

Flora Lewis

Bienvenuti in Italia

In Chiarissimo Uno, every chapter introduces a different region of Italy. With every turn of the page, vibrant colors and imagery will draw your students into the lives of the Italian people. Student-friendly grammar explanations with practical examples illustrate language structures introduced in context.

Students achieve targeted learning objectives through language basics and thematic vocabulary. Student-centered written and spoken communicative activities continuously build upon comprehensible input. Differentiated tasks that are culturally and linguistically authentic enhance student performance in the Presentational, Interpersonal, and Interpretive modes of communication.

Through Chiarissimo Uno e Chiarissimo Due, students are provided the initial foundation and preparation for the AATI National Italian Contest Examination, the AP® Italian Language and Culture Course/Exam, and the SAT Subject Test™ in Italian.

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Take a quick look at Chiarissimo


  • Student-friendly grammar explanations in context
  • Introduces all modes of communication
  • Provides a foundation for AATI, AP®, and SAT Subject Tests™
  • 316 pages
  • Annotated Teacher Edition

The Digital Package includes access to Learning Site®

A Community Bulletin Board

Learners and teachers alike use the Classroom Forum anytime as their online community bulletin board. Teachers love posting lesson openers, polls, links to external resources, and more. And students can comment, exchange GIFS, and upload audio, videos, and photos.

Learning to hold a conversation

Mock conversations with pre-recorded conversation prompts challenge your learners to hone their conversational skills. Learners record themselves replying to comments and questions, and the recorded conversations can be added to their portfolio as an artifact.

Tracking Their Own Progress

Online student portfolios follow learners from unit to unit, level to level. Students can upload evidence of what they can do in the language - assigned Can-Do statements, activities, quizzes, audio files, PowerPoint and Word files, and more. This allows them to set goals and reflect on their progress related to Can-Do Statements.

Efficient, Integrated Grading

Use the online calendar to remind students of upcoming assignments and deadlines, assign tasks to specific learners or an entire class, and more. Explorer® lets you know when your students complete their work and alerts students as soon as you’ve graded. Grade each quiz question response without opening each question in Explorer®. Automatic grading is available where appropriate.

More Than 200 Ideas

Wayside’s Instructional Strategies Toolkit provides loads of instructional ideas and approaches that can be filtered by mode, skill, proficiency level, activity type, learning style, and more! Whether you are a new teacher or want to find new strategies, the toolkit provides built-in world language methodology and pedagogy training at any time.

Additional Resources

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Chiarissimo Due

Italian Language and Culture Program

Novice High — Intermediate Low

Wayside Publishing creates tools that foster communication and understanding across cultures.

Research Based and ACTFL Aligned

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