Bruna Petrarca Boyle
Italian Language and Culture Program
Level 1 / Novice Low — Novice High
In Chiarissimo Uno, every chapter introduces a different region of Italy—the people, the land, and the culture—and asks students to explore aspects of culture such as values and traditions.
Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things.
Flora Lewis
In Chiarissimo Uno, every chapter introduces a different region of Italy. With every turn of the page, vibrant colors and imagery will draw your students into the lives of the Italian people. Student-friendly grammar explanations with practical examples illustrate language structures introduced in context.
Students achieve targeted learning objectives through language basics and thematic vocabulary. Student-centered written and spoken communicative activities continuously build upon comprehensible input. Differentiated tasks that are culturally and linguistically authentic enhance student performance in the Presentational, Interpersonal, and Interpretive modes of communication.
Through Chiarissimo Uno e Chiarissimo Due, students are provided the initial foundation and preparation for the AATI National Italian Contest Examination, the AP® Italian Language and Culture Course/Exam, and the SAT Subject Test™ in Italian.
Research Based and ACTFL Aligned
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