Bruna Petrarca Boyle
Chiarissimo Due
Chiarissimo Due
Italian Language and Culture Program
Level 2 / Novice High — Intermediate Low
With a focus on communication, Chiarissimo Due, the second book in our Italian series, further develops students’ abilities to ask and answer questions and to exchange opinions and ideas on a diversity of topics using a variety of different tenses.
Bienvenuti in Italia
Chiarissimo Due is divided into 10 Siti. A Sito Preliminare (preliminary lesson), provides a general review of the material presented in Chiarissimo Uno. Siti 1-8 integrate grammar, vocabulary, and regional culture lessons with differentiated instruction in the Presentational, Interpretive, and Interpersonal modes of communication. The last Sito, Sito 9, reviews and assesses learner overall performance of the previous siti.
Each chapter concludes with an abundance of listening, reading, writing, speaking, and cultural exercises and activities from the current and previous siti. The final sito, Sito 9, reviews and assesses all material covered in Chiarissimo Due.
Through Chiarissimo Uno e Chiarissimo Due, students are provided the initial foundation and preparation for the AATI National Italian Contest Examination, the AP® Italian Language and Culture Course/Exam, and the SAT Subject Test™ in Italian.
Talk to a Specialist
Talk to a Specialist
Take a quick look at Chiarissimo
- Linguistically and culturally authentic examples of language
- Targeted learning objectives that build on comprehensible input
- Real-world tasks that develop all modes of communication
- Annotated Teacher Edition