EntreCulturas 1 ©2026


EntreCulturas 1 ©2026

2nd Edition

Communicate, Explore, and Connect Across Cultures

Level 1 / Novice Low — Novice High


EntreCulturas is a four-level, standards-based, thematically organized program. Each level consists of six units that provide learners with opportunities to interact and engage with authentic materials and adolescent speakers of the language. By learning in an intercultural context, students acquire communication skills and content knowledge while exploring the products, practices, and perspectives of Spanish-speaking cultures.

EntreCulturas 1

EntreCulturas® aims to prepare learners to communicate, explore, and connect across cultures in order to foster attitudes of mutual understanding and respect. In Level 1 of the four-book EntreCulturas series, students build the language skills, personal attitudes, and cultural insights necessary to experience life "entre culturas," using Spanish to connect with people. The proficiency level spans from Novice Low to Novice High in Level 1.

Practice Listening and Speaking

Nualang is an exciting and innovative language learning platform designed to help students practice listening, speaking, reading, writing, gameplay, and student discussions all in a safe environment with opportunities for feedback. Nualang is integrated into the digital book’s units and activities, readily available to foster excitement and increase proficiency.
Discover Nualang

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"I teach Spanish 1 and 2 using EntreCulturas, and this is my third year using the program. All of the resources are very intuitive. It's easy for me to navigate the Learning Site and find resources that learners need for each lesson. It's easy for me to find the formative assessments, to assign them, and to adjust the attempts they get to receive a passing grade.

The learners like it a lot because it's very fresh. For example in the food unit, there is discussion around food trucks and the kids love it and it's easy for them to relate. Something that hit me and that I love about the family unit is how there are nontraditional families represented. It's easy for my kids to look at the images and see people who look like them. "

Stephanie Shepherd

"I love how Wayside Publishing honors the Hispanic community in the United States of America in their Spanish language textbook series, EntreCulturas. It's refreshing. It’s good when the first, second and third things you see in the table of contents are related to culture instead of grammar. Great job!"

Diego Ojeda

Spanish Language Educator, World Languages

"Other texts claim to use culture as a vehicle for learning the target language. So, the primary question is: Does EntreCulturas succeed in presenting L2 language learning through an authentic lens of the cultures of Spanish-speaking people from countries that offer an incredible amount of diversity in language, food, history, folklore and race?

The answer is yes! EntreCulturas 1 has succeeded with the integration of a culture-based presentation with Spanish language acquisition. Students learn by immersion into a cultural experience of Spanish-speaking natives and are then able to discuss their findings in class through authentic dialog.

Another question arises: Will this be another text with chapters that attempt to cover so much vocabulary, grammar, culture, and text-generated conversation that the instructor has to choose how much to leave out?

No! The presentation is not so ambitious that it presents time limitations. The model and “real” classroom presentation are a perfect fit."

NECTFL Review, Issue 86

"This is the only textbook series that incorporates comprehensible input strategies and has supports from Level 1 to prepare students for the AP® exam."


Spanish Teacher, Florida

Additional Resources

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Wayside Publishing creates tools that foster communication and understanding across cultures.

Research Based and ACTFL Aligned

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