Professional Development Professional Development Technology Discover How Nualang Makes Language Learning Fun and Effective
Professional Development Professional Development Professional Learning Dress Rehearsal: Formative Assessments in Action—A Webinar Recap
Professional Development Professional Development Proficiency The Importance of Research-Based, Standards-Aligned Resources in the Classroom—But How Do I Choose? Jay Ketner PhD You may have heard in December of 2024 year two parents filed a class-action lawsuit against renowned early literacy educators Calkins, Fountas and Pinnell, along with their publishers, complaining that their texts and pedagogical approaches were failing kids.
Professional Development Professional Development Professional Learning Missed the “Sip and Share” Webinar on IPA Tips? Here’s What You Need to Know Stop me if this sounds familiar: You’re preparing your students for an Integrated Performance Assessment (IPA), and you’re wondering, “Am I doing this right?”
Professional Development Professional Development Poolside Proficiency A Can-Do Attitude Toward Student Self-Reflection Cristin Bleess “We do not learn from experience. We learn from reflecting on experience” is a paraphrased quote from John Dewey. Even though these were not his exact words, the meaning behind them is true.
story story Classroom Strategies Finish Strong and Relaxed! Alexis Buschert Exciting but stressful! – these are common teacher sentiments at the end of the school year. There is excitement to spend the summer break recharging but it is also stressful to try and finish everything before the end of the year. *Free downloadable prep guide included below
Professional Development Professional Development Classroom Strategies The Journey to a 90%+ Target Language Classroom Alexis Buschert When I started teaching, I used very little target language in my classroom. I struggled with classroom management and the only way I knew to handle it was to speak in English, try to keep students busy with work that I explained in English, and teach vocabulary and structures using English. I was in survival mode and, frankly, I didn’t know any better.
Professional Development Professional Development Classroom Strategies 5 Tips For Making the Most of Online Learning Communities Ashley Uyaguari During my first year teaching, I remember feeling very alone. My department wasn’t supportive, I didn’t have a mentor, I didn’t have anyone to inspire me. It was exhausting pulling everything out from myself to do my best every day. Alone. That cup empties quickly.
Professional Development Professional Development Classroom Strategies How Fewer, Intentional Goals Will Make You a Happier, Better Language Teacher Meredith White On social media #goals is usually shorthand for: “Wow, I’d really like to do that, too.”
story story Classroom Strategies Supporting your Colleagues, Supporting Yourself Elena Spathis In what seemed like a span of a few hours, teachers needed to frantically shift to virtual instruction. All schoolwide events and extracurricular activities were suddenly cancelled. Feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, and disappointment slowly settled in and took charge.
story story Remote Teaching 4 ideas for Back to School Night-pandemic style Elena Spathis It has been such a whirlwind of a year, especially as educators; we have been forced to revamp and rethink our methods in this unprecedented time. After scrambling to teach virtually last spring, many of us returned to our classrooms in a hybrid format this fall, while others are still teaching completely online. Our profession as we know it changed in what seemed like the span of a single day.
story story Teacher Support 7 Ways to Find Support in Online Teacher Communities Alma Rivera Now that we’ve had about a month of this new school year, how do you feel? Overwhelmed? Exhausted? Challenged? Perhaps even discouraged? You have heard it already: This is a totally different school year. What do we do when these feelings grab at us?
story story Classroom Strategies 4 Hybrid Teaching Strategies to Engage Your Students in School or at Home Elena Spathis My district, like so many others, opted for a hybrid model this fall, combining in-person classes in the mornings with online classes in the afternoons. As you can imagine, I realized quickly that I had to rethink my methods, get creative, and be innovative.
story story Classroom Strategies The Battle Over Cameras During Distance Learning Alexis Buschert My large public-school district outside of Portland, Oregon started the school year with 100% comprehensive distance learning, and for now it will continue through at least February. From the beginning, I knew there would be a constant battle with students about using their cameras, so I decided I would not require them during class.
story story Remote Teaching Thank You, 2020! Diego Ojeda The end of the year is a special time. Starting with November’s Thanksgiving celebrations, we begin to publicly acknowledge our gratitude for those who have inspired and challenged us. However, this year has been different, and much more stressful, than past years.
story story Proficiency Transitioning to Proficiency Part I: Advice From a Recent Convert Conner McNeely Would you rather conjugate verbs in another language or have a conversation with someone who speaks another language? Unless you are a true grammar geek, you prefer communicating.