Carrie Toth
Comprehension-based™ Reader
An injured toucan leads to
change in Costa Rica.
Level 1 and up / Novice Mid — Intermediate Low
Panchito the toucan is beloved by the people in the town of Cataluña, Costa Rica. When a brutal attack leaves him with a badly damaged beak, the community and the nation are outraged. Can a new technology help the toucan survive? This incredible story is based on true events.
This Comprehension-based™ reader, Tucán, strategically weaves high-frequency vocabulary and language structures into a compelling story. Wayside's readers help learners acquire real language and achieve real proficiency while enjoying the reading process.
- Level 1 and up
- Set in Costa Rica, Central America
- Past tense, third person
- Unique word count: 150
- Total word count: 3792
- Page count: 72
- Culture-/Ecology-based Fiction
- A 519 page Teacher's Guide is also available!
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Tucán Teacher's Guide
Our Teacher's Guides are loaded with resources to enrich the teaching and learning experience.
519 pages, 9 chapters
Vocabulary, cognates, comprehension questions, Blooming comprehension questions, quiz, pre-reading discussion questions slideshowExtension:
Slideshows: Tipos de tucanes que existen, Historias de animales rescatados, Centros de rescate de fauna silvestre, Rescate Wildlife Rescue Center, Impresoras 3DCultural Readings: Animales que viven en las selvas tropicales, El fútbol en Costa Rica, Animales con prótesis, Derechos animales, Datos curiosos de los tucanes, El tucán Grecia
Prep 4 Success Unit!
Speaking and Writing Prompts, Reader’s Theater, KWL Chart, Map Talk, Quite the Character, Emoji Theater, Picasso of Plates, Basquetbolito, Placement Test, Listen Up, Which Sitch Is Which?, Grudgeball, Lucky Reading Game, 6 of One Half Dozen of Another, Cupside Down, Find the Faker, Toma uno, por favor, Unfair Game, Move or Keep, Seis, Musical Chairs Retell, Comprehension Based Assessment, Traditional Assessment