Heiko ter Haseborg


Heiko ter Haseborg is originally from Bremen, Germany. He holds an MA in Foreign Languages/TESOL and an MA in Secondary Education. He completed doctoral work in 2012 with a dissertation on the topic of learner autonomy in foreign language learning. He has taught a wide range of courses, which follow two general strands. One area of his teaching is Curriculum and Instruction. In this field, he has taught courses on curriculum evaluation, cultural diversity, world language curriculum development and assessment, as well as beginning-level courses in WVU’s 5-year teacher education program. He also teaches German language courses for WVU’s Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, from courses ranging from beginning to advanced German, as well as German history and culture. In 2015, he received the Stephen A. Freeman Award for Best Published Article on Language Teaching Techniques.

ter Haseborg authored Wayside Publishing's Neue Blickwinkel together with Cynthia Chalupa.

Heiko's Programs


Neue Blickwinkel, 2nd Edition

AP® German Language and Culture

Intermediate High — Advanced Low

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