62. Ultimate Guide for Getting Started with Target Language with Marnina Falk

62. Ultimate Guide for Getting Started with Target Language with Marnina Falk

By Wayside Publishing 55 Minutes 21 Seconds Listen


Guest Marnina Falk guides us through getting the year started using Target Language, what to plan, how to plan, and planning your back up plan so that you are ready for every contingency. Marnina and Langauge Lounge host Michelle Olah offer practical tips and encouragement of how to get to 90%+ target language use and create a strong sense of community in our classrooms.


Marnina Falk taught Spanish for 9 years at Foreign Language Immersion and Culture Studies, a Detroit Public School. In Detroit, she helped write the Spanish I and II curriculum. She also led training for the district language department. Prior to Detroit public schools, she taught English in Costa Rica for 2 years, where she developed English programs for children and adults. She also discovered her passion for Latin dance.

In 2018, Marnina participated in a Fulbright Hays summer seminar in Brazil, where she returned as a Language Curriculum Coordinator for another cohort in 2022. In 2019, Marnina was a Fund for Teachers Fellow in Cuba. Expanding on her experiences in Costa Rica, Brazil, and Cuba, she has created materials about Afro-Latin culture and heritage. She has also continued to practice Spanish and study Brazilian Portuguese whenever possible.

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Producer's Notes

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Produced by Wayside Publishing - https://waysidepublishing.com

Don't miss the debut of Wayside Publishing's 2023-2024 professional development series, Teaching with Target Language in Mind: Starting the School Year with Purposeful Language Use. Set the stage for optimal target language use as you welcome your students back for the new school year. The Professional Learning Team will help you keep purposeful target language use for you and your students at the heart of learning. Join us as we share ideas, tips and resources to help you establish class norms, set learning expectations, discuss the importance of staying in the target language, and help students co-construct their understanding of what language looks like along the proficiency continuum.

Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meetin...


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Carol Gaab @CarolGaab (Twitter) https://www.linkedin.com/in/ca...

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