Carrie Toth
Comprehension-based™ Reader
Panamanian teenager Antonio becomes ill after being bitten by a mosquito, and is transported back in time to join his grandfather on the construction of the Panama Canal.
Level 3 and up / Intermediate Low — Intermediate High
A vector of venom infects Antonio, a typical Panamanian teenager, with an illness that has far-reaching consequences. He is carried away from home and transported back in time to the early 1900s, where he unknowingly joins his grandfather on the construction of the Panama Canal. Will Antonio escape from the past and survive the consequences of working on one of the most dangerous construction sites in history?
This Comprehension-based™ reader, ‘Vector’, strategically weaves high-level language structures into a compelling story, based on high-frequency vocabulary. Even upper-level language students need repeated exposure to language structures in order to acquire them, and Fluency Matters’ intermediate readers maintain a high frequency factor of high-level language structures, thus helping learners progress beyond typical proficiency levels.
- Level 3 and up
- Past tense
- Unique word count: 400
- Total word count: 7100
- Page count: 67
- Audio recording embedded in the Student and Teacher Bundles
- A 546-page Teacher's guide is also available!
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Vector Teacher's Guide
Our Teacher's Guides are loaded with resources to enrich the teaching and learning experience.
546 pages/slides
In Every Chapter:
Vocabulary, cognates, comprehension questions, blooming comprehension, listen up! listening activities, AP/IB Alley, quiz, pre-reading discussion questions slideshow
Pre-Reading Unit:
Centers, Listening Activities, Infographic: Importance of the Panama Canal, Bulletin Board: La historia en etiquetas, Continuous Timeline
Slideshows: Comida Panameña, Panama Canal, Panamá Highlights
Readings: “datos divertidos sobre el sombrero Panamá”, “En busca del oro”, “Henry Morgan”, “La construcción francesa del canal”
Escape Box Activity
Features and Highlights:
Al principio o al final, Alerta Game, Balloon Sequencing Activity, Basket of Summaries, Blooming Comprehension, Book Snaps, Booksnaps, Bow Graph, Chain Breaker, Cognados, ¿Cómo? ¿Cuándo? ¿Dónde?, Comprensión de la lectura, Connect Four, Context Clues, Corners, Critical Condition, Cross-Curricular Connections, Crucigrama, Curtain Call, Discussion Thursday, Eight is Enough, El más lógico, Eventful, Examencito, Graffiti Wall, Hula Hoop Venn Diagrams, Inside Antonio, Interactive Notebook, Keeping Quilt, La chinchada, Leader of the Pack, Logical Order, 6 of one, half dozen of another, On Deck, Order Up, OverTime, Paper Plate Venn Diagram, Película Perfecta, Placement Test Sequencing Activity, Post-it Note Parade, POV with Pictures, Q & A Matchup, Question Quandary, Questionable, Questioning the Text, ¿Quién lo dijo?, Reader’s Theater, Reading Rainbow, Reading Rainbow Reprise, Red Light, Green Light, Right Place, Right Time, Rollin’ in the Deep, Social Media Share, Space Cadet, Story Ball, Switch Sides If, Table Top Twitter, The Answer Is, The Splits, Thumbs Up, 7 Up, Two Truths and a Lie, Walk the Plank, What’s in the Bag, Which Sitch is Which?