Jane Lienau


Jane Lienau, author of Scandite Muros, has been the Latin and Greek teacher at Brunswick High School in Brunswick, Maine, since 1992. During her years there, she has more than doubled the size of the program and built a thriving Advanced Placement® program. She has served as an AP® grader, and her AP® syllabus is one of four model syllabi offered to teachers on the AP® Central Latin exam site. Lienau has served on two NEASC accreditation teams in the state, and currently heads her school’s curriculum committee. She attended Oberlin College for two years, then got her bachelor's degree in Latin and Greek (Classical Languages) at the University of Massachusetts. She holds a Master's of Education from the University of Massachusetts.

It has been Lienau’s goal to make Classical learning an intrinsic part of the culture at Brunswick High School, which she does by weaving the Romans’ influence on English, western civilization and history, and the sciences into her lessons. She believes that all students can benefit from learning Latin and she caters to all ability levels. It is her feeling that if students leave her class with a firmer grasp on their own language and history, and a better understanding of their government, which is based on Rome’s, then even if they do not pursue their Latin studies she has made a difference. She and her husband have three children, all of whom took four years of Latin with her at BHS!

Lienau's Latin class was recently featured in a Brunswick-area television segment: Latin Class Is a Joy, Really.

Jane's Programs


Scandite Muros

Sight-Reading Latin for the AP® Latin Exam: A New Approach

Intermediate High — Advanced Low

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